Kendes outstandiong performance
South-Cape Forum 2010-05-05
Nikolaas Kende, a 34-year-old pianist from one of the countries that have a long-standing cultural agreement with South Africa, has presented a wonderful program of mostly romantic music. The Sonata in A minor with three typical Schubertian movements is played with full, rich chords interspersed with light, delicate passages. The second movement is played very mobile with a beautiful singing melody and light playful accompaniment. In the third movement there were plenty of scale passages and trillers- all performed superbly. Liszt's music is characterized by intense technical skill. The Tre Sonetti del Petrarca is almost like three small sonatas and is masterfully executed with fine, brisk finger work. Chopin's nocturnes, otherwise known Nichtsongs, is always popular.
These works are soothing and romantic in nature and requires a special feeling full assessment by the pianist. Kende took along the audience with the Nocturne in C sharp Minor.
Bach's Prelude in B Minor was originally written for the organ and is more of a study to illustrate technical skill. Again Kende showed that he can cope with it flawlessly and with ease and feel. The last piece was Beethoven's Sonata Opus 111.
It is a poignant piece of music full of energy and drama. The second movement is rich and emotionally, variations on a theme with a gripping climax to the end. Kendes soulful interpretation moved many of the audience to tears. Beethoven was already stone deaf when he wrote this sonata and, according to legend, he claimed that he had nothing further to say. The pianist received a standing ovation.